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SDGC24:  Sustainability Pledge

Service Design Network (SDN) is committed to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular focus on:

  • Gender Equality

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • Reduced Inequalities

  • Responsible Consumption and Production

For the Service Design Global Conference this means:

  • ​"Responsible Consumption and Production": reducing emissions caused by travel by designing a hybrid conference, selecting the venue, partners and suppliers according to sustainability principles. We are committed in reducing our carbon footprint by:

    • Limiting meat consumption by selecting vegetarian menus based on local and seasonal products, and offering reusable catering dishes and cutlery

    • Avoiding single use products and products with excessive plastic packaging

    • Buying new products only if necessary: we rent, borough and reuse furniture and onsite decorations

    • Reducing the quantity of printed materials: we offer agendas online and as limited displayed print onsite, we don’t print single use agendas

    • Optying for more sustainable options when choosing printing paper, lanyards and other conference materials

    • Our team walks and uses public transportation when traveling between venues. When transporting heavy materials, we car-share

  • "Reduced Inequalities": we apply financial inclusion according to the World Bank’s country index to achieve a more diverse community of global practitioners unconstrained by economic barriers that may hinder them from participating

  • "Gender Equality & Diversity": as a core principle in assembling the conference team and in selecting speakers and workshop facilitators

  • SDN has signed the “Charta of Diversity” to underline our strong commitment

  • All conference partners sign the “SDN Partner Pledge”

We wholeheartedly encourage our conference participants to:

  • Use public transportation while staying in Helsinki. Even better: take a walk, it’s the best way to explore the city

  • If possible, travel by train. If you have to fly, please consider compensating for your CO2 consumption

  • When picking items for your delegate bag, choose the ones which are useful to you. We carefully plan the quantities and in case of any leftover this will be donated or kept for future use.

  • Our venue has a great system to separate waste, please use it.

  • Avoid using single use plastic bottles. During the conference, water will be offered in glass-bottles or water stations. If possible, bring your own water bottle! Helsinki tap water is safe to use and tastes great!

  • Treat our planet with love and respect. We are so happy to have you as a member of our community

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